DNA Library Preparation for Short Read Sequencing – Lab Course

DNA Library Preparation for Short Read Sequencing – Lab Course

44 44 people viewed this event.

This course is now FULL – if you would like to attend later in the year please register your interest here and we will contact you as soon as future dates have been decided


6th February 2025

9am – 5pm


Edinburgh Genomics, Ashworth Laboratories,
The Kings Buildings Campus, The University of Edinburgh, EH9 3FL, Scotland, United Kingdom



You will be contacted by our finance team for full payment. Once payment is made, your place will be confirmed and full details will be sent by our training team.

Registration fee

£149/£159/£169 (University of Edinburgh/Other University/Industrial employees)


Contact our training team

Short-read (~100-500bp) DNA sequencing is now a well-established technique for profiling the genome. Library preparation for short-read sequencing is highly optimised, is suitable for almost any sample type including degraded/ancient DNA, and can be completed in only ~2-3 hours. In addition, numerous variations of short-read sequencing have been devised, for example ATAC-Seq or ChIP-Seq, which allow it to answer many biological questions. In this course you will get first-hand experience of DNA library preparation using one of the latest library preparation kits from NEB, NEBNext UltraExpressTM FS DNA, on both a validated control sample and an optional sample supplied by yourself. You will also learn how these libraries are quality-controlled and prepared for sequencing. In addition, you will learn the theory behind the library preparations, and have the opportunity to discuss with NEB and the team at Edinburgh Genomics the various options you have for preparing and sequencing your own samples going forward.


Jena Dryden – Sequencing Technician

Robert Foster – Sequencing Technician

Caitlin Newman – Sequencing Technician

Helen Ritch – Sequencing Technician

Javier Santoyo-Lopez – Facility Manager

Matthew Arno – Lab Manager

Michael Skelly – NEB representative

Max Fritsch – NEB representative

Workshop format

Full day, in person workshop with lots of hands on practice, group discussions and introductions to relevant concepts.

If you wish to bring your own DNA sample to process, you should check the quantity of DNA present and ensure there is over 100ng and the concentration is 7 ng/μl or above. Ideally this will be checked using a Qubit device; Nanodrop measurements are often unreliable. DNA should be high quality and free of RNA, proteins and extraction contaminants. Bring your sample in a labelled 1.5ml or 0.5ml tube (DNase-free). Purified DNA is reasonably stable, although long-term storage at -20C is recommended.

Who should attend

Graduates, postgraduates, PIs and anyone who wants to learn how to prepare DNA libraries for short read sequencing.


This course assumes you have a basic familiarity with molecular biology and common lab techniques (e.g. use of a pipette, calculating volumes/concentrations), however extra support can be provided with advance notification.

Topics covered

  • Introduction to DNA Sequencing
  • Library Preparation
  • Edinburgh Genomics Lab Tour
  • Library QC
  • MiSeq Loading Demo
  • QC Discussion

To register for this event please visit the following URL:


Date And Time

06-02-2025 to

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