Edinburgh Genomics Equipment Open Access

Welcome to Edinburgh Genomics’ Open Access program. Through this service, University research groups have the opportunity to access specialised genomics instrumentation at Edinburgh Genomics, including equipment for DNA-RNA quality/quantity assessment, nucleic acids and protein size selection, real-time PCR, as well as nanopore sequencers.

The Open Access program is available to staff and postgraduate students at the University of Edinburgh.

How does it work?

First of all, please register to let us know the equipment you’re interested in.

We have set up an online booking system for the open access equipment, so you can log in to see availability of specific equipment in a calendar view, and reserve your preferred slot to use it. Equipment is generally available Monday – Friday, 10am – 5pm.

You’ll need to have an idea of the duration required for your experiment – contact us in advance if you’re not sure. We understand that some analyses require longer run times, which can extend into evenings, overnight and weekends – please contact us prior to making a reservation which includes time outside normal hours.

You will also need to provide valid financial information (grant codes or non-research funding account details) to pay for the reservation.

Once the booking is made, you’ll receive an email confirmation with a handy calendar entry (.ics file) attachment which you can add to your favourite calendar app to remind you of your reservation, if you like.

Here is a guide on How to use Edinburgh Genomics Equipment Booking System.

How much does it cost?

Each piece of equipment has its own hourly rate based on cost of service contracts, depreciation and support/supervision/training required. The current rates are detailed in the booking system itself.

Conditions of access

Access to these machines is conditional on adequate training or experience and may be subject to supervised usage and training initially. You’ll need to provide valid, up-to-date financial information, too. You will be expected to provide your own consumables (reagents and plasticware etc.), however we have some consumables available for you to buy. Please talk to us in advance to check availability and price.

What equipment is available?
TypeName of equipmentExample usage
Electrophoresis – size separation analysis
  • Agilent Tapestation
  • Agilent Bioanalyser
  • DNA/RNA quality control
  • PCR analysis
  • NGS QC
  • Covaris LE220
  • Shearing/fragmenting DNA and RNA
Size Selection
  • Sage BluePippin
  • SageELF
  • DNA Size Selection for NGS, with Pulsed-Field (100bp – 50kb)
  • Whole Sample Fractionation of DNA or Protein
DNA Nanopore Sequencers
  • Oxford Nanopore PromethION P24
  • Oxford Nanopore MinION
  • Whole genome long read sequencing
  • Direct RNA sequencing
  • Metagenomics
Real time PCR
  • Applied Biosystems 7500 FAST
  • qPCR – absolute and relative quantitation
  • NGS library quantitation
  • Gene expression measurement


If you are interested in using any of these pieces of equipment (or indeed any others) then please take a moment to register your interest using the following online form:


If you have any queries about equipment access, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Online Booking System

Once registered, you can access the booking system here:


Need some help?

Get in touch:


Equipment Access