Edinburgh Genomics is a Sequencing and Bioinformatics Core Facility at the University of Edinburgh, located at the School of Biological Sciences, King’s Buildings campus. The facility has established a global reputation for the provision of advanced genomics services, providing access to a range of genomic technologies and services including next-generation sequencing (NGS), transcriptomics, single-cell sequencing, epigenomics, metagenomics, bioinformatics analysis and training.

With over 20 years experience of providing genomics services to life science researchers, our talented team has what it takes to deliver the highest quality data for the most challenging of projects.

Over 20 years experience

providing genomics services to life science researchers

Recognised Facilities

Our facilities are recognised by three of the UK’s leading Biomedical Research Councils

versatile sequencing instrumentation

delivering high-throughput, next generation sequencing data

What We Offer

Click each service below for more information

Edinburgh Genomics offers access to a wide range of genomics platforms including Illumina’s NovaSeq technology, Pacific Biosciences Revio system, and the Oxford Nanopore Technologies PromethION. This modular and flexible approach to providing the latest technologies, combined with expert knowledge across a broad range of applications, supports a large and diverse portfolio of scientific research projects. The EdGe team also offers a wide range of bioinformatics services, from data QC to genome assembly, variant identification and interpretation, in addition to a programme of popular genomics and bioinformatics training workshops.


The facility provides high-quality short-read library preparations and sequencing with the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and MiSeq sequencers. We also provide high-fidelity (HiFi) long-read DNA and RNA sequencing with the PacBio Revio sequencer, and we operate an Oxford Nanopore PromethION 24 as an open access platform and to offer long-reads library preparations and sequencing services.

Click here for more information on our short and long-read sequencing services

We offer in-person and online training courses on bioinformatics topics like long-read data, single cell RNA-seq data analysis, Linux, R and Python programming. These ELIXIR-UK recognised courses provide researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to plan and execute their genomics experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret the resulting data.

Interested in one of our training courses? See the list of all our current workshops here

Edinburgh Genomics offers bespoke bioinformatics and consultancy services to researchers who require specific support for their genomics data analysis. This can include customised analysis, building complex bioinformatics workflows, access to specialized compute hardware, implementing tailored training programs and consultation on analysis design and results interpretation.

For more information or to make an enquiry about our bioinformatics services click here 

The facility provides high-quality short-read library preparations and sequencing with the Illumina NovaSeq 6000 and MiSeq sequencers. We also provide high-fidelity (HiFi) long-read DNA and RNA sequencing with the PacBio Revio sequencer, and we operate an Oxford Nanopore PromethION 24 as an open access platform and to offer long-reads library preparations and sequencing services.

Click here for more information on our short and long-read sequencing services

We offer in-person and online training courses on bioinformatics topics like long-read data, single cell RNA-seq data analysis, Linux, R and Python programming. These ELIXIR-UK recognised courses provide researchers with the skills and knowledge needed to plan and execute their genomics experiments, as well as to analyse and interpret the resulting data.

Interested in one of our training courses? See the list of all our current workshops here

Edinburgh Genomics offers bespoke bioinformatics and consultancy services to researchers who require specific support for their genomics data analysis. This can include customised analysis, building complex bioinformatics workflows, access to specialized compute hardware, implementing tailored training programs and consultation on analysis design and results interpretation.

For more information or to make an enquiry about our bioinformatics services click here 



  • De novo genome sequencing
  • Genome resequencing
  • Targeted sequencing
  • Metagenomics
  • ATAC-Seq
  • ChIP-Seq
  • Hi-C
  • Long read DNA sequencing (ONT & PacBio)


  • De novo transcriptome sequencing
  • Total RNA sequencing
  • mRNA sequencing
  • Small RNA sequencing
  • Low input RNA sequencing
  • PacBio Iso-Seq
  • ONT direct RNA sequencing

User Prepared Libraries

  • User prepared libraries ready for sequencing

Click here for more information on our short and long-read sequencing services.

  • Genome/transcriptome assembly and annotation
  • Variant calling, annotation and variant discovery (SNVs and SVs)
  • RNA-seq and miRNA differential expression
  • Single cell genomics/transcriptomics data processing
  • Genome linked reads assembly, phasing and variant calling
  • Metabarcoding and metagenomics data analysis
  • Amplicon analysis and variant quantification
  • Bespoke Bioinformatics analysis

For more information or to make an enquiry about our bioinformatics services click here.

Bioinformatics Training

Our Bioinformatics team currently offer the following workshops (Online and also onsite courses)

  • RNA-seq data analysis
  • R for Biologists
  • Introduction to metagenomic data analysis
  • Variant Analysis
  • Long-read genome bioinformatics data analysis
  • Long-read transcriptomic data Analysis
  • Introduction to Linux for genomics
  • Introduction to Python for Biologists
  • Advanced Python for Biologists
  • Data Science for Everyone (Python)

Genomics Lab

In addition, Edinburgh Genomics periodically organises workshops for DNA and RNA sequencing library preparations.

Interested in one of our training courses? See the list of all our current workshops here.

Edinburgh Genomics offers access to a wide range of genomics platforms including Illumina’s NovaSeq technology, Pacific Biosciences Sequel IIe platform, and the Oxford Nanopore Technologies PromethION. This modular and flexible approach to providing the latest technologies, combined with expert knowledge across a broad range of applications, supports a large and diverse portfolio of scientific research projects. The EdGe team also offers a wide range of bioinformatics services, from data QC to genome assembly, variant identification and interpretation, in addition to a programme of popular genomics and bioinformatics training workshops.

Our team

meet the edinburgh genomics team

Facility Team Leaders
Scientific Advisors

We have very highly skilled scientists in the laboratory and bioinformatics teams with a wealth of experience in sequencing technologies, computational genomics and bioinformatics to help you with your genomics projects.

Edinburgh Genomics is embedded in the rich academic environment of the School of Biological Sciences at University of Edinburgh, spanning medical, veterinary and biological realms. Our staff comprises highly skilled and motivated individuals who are dedicated to delivering high quality outputs in collaboration with colleagues across the spectrum of the biomedical sciences.


Urmi Trivedi

Bioinformatics Team Leader

Jena Dryden


Robert Foster


Helen Ritch


Ana Vieira


Caitlin Newman


Kathryn Campbell


Tim Booth


Frances Turner


Heleen De Weerd


Chieko Kontani

100 +

training courses delivered

1300 +

peer-reviewed publications supported by our work

1000 +

students trained on our courses

22 +

years experience of providing genomics services


feedback from our collaborators and service users


Do you want to know how our team can help you with your next project?

About Us