Metabarcoding and Metagenomics
Please register here
Date: 6-9 May 2025
10am – 3:30pm each day (with 1hr for lunch)
20 for each workshop
You will be contacted by our finance team for full payment. Once payment is made, your place will be confirmed and full details sent by our training team.
Registration fee
£390 – University of Edinburgh
£410 – Other University, or registered charity, staff/students
£428 – Industry staff
The ability to identify organisms from traces of genetic material in environmental samples has reshaped the way we see life on earth. Especially for microorganisms, where traditional identification is hard or near impossible, metagenomic techniques have granted us unprecedented insight into the microbiome of animals and the environment more broadly.
Who this course is for
Aside from a basic understanding of molecular biology, attendees must have a working knowledge of how to use the Linux BASH command line – our 1-day “Linux for bioinformatics” course is a suitable background.
Urmi Trivedi – Bioinformatics Team Leader, Edinburgh Genomics
Heleen De Weerd – Bioinformatician/Analyst, Edinburgh Genomics
Workshop format
The workshop consists of presentations and hands-on tutorials.
Topics covered
- Understand the basic concepts behind metabarcoding and metagenomics
- Work with both short and long read data for both metabarcoding and metagenomics
- Be able to use Qiime2 and NanoClust for analysis of metabarcoding
- Know different methods (metaphlan, humann) for marker based taxonomic and functional annotation of metagenomics data
- Create and annotated metagenome assembled genomes (using megahit, checkm, gtdb-tk)
- Be able to annotated antibiotic resistance genes in metagenomics data