
Edinburgh Genomics supports collaborators from the conception of an experimental programme through to publication of the results. We are proud to be involved in so many ground-breaking studies. The facility also conducts its own research, and the facility academic staff have active, genomics- and bioinformatics-focussed research programmes.

A current list of publications that are based on facility-generated data can be found on Edinburgh Research Explorer.

The GOBLET Training Portal: A Global Repository of Bioinformatics Training Materials, Courses and Trainers

Corpas, M., Jimenez, R. C., Bongcam-Rudloff, E., Budd, A., Brazas, M. D., Fernandes, P. L., Gaeta, B., van Gelder, C., Korpelainen, E., Lewitter, F., McGrath, A., MacLean, D., Palagi, P. M., Rother, K., Taylor, J., Via, A., Watson, M., Schneider, M... 2014 In: Bioinformatics
